We have all been affected in some way by the events that have unfolded on Planet Earth over the last few years and no matter where you look, it is overwhelmingly evident that there has never been a crazier time that Humans have lived in, than right now. 

   As a result, life has become more of a struggle than ever before. Humans are divided, fighting and arguing on how things should be. Even the connections we had with our family, friends and communities are just not the same as they once were. 

   The tumult of emotions that surge through us varies widely day by day; one minute we feel a spark of hope for a brighter future, the next we are jolted back into survival mode, hanging on by a thread as our lives are threatened with uncertainty. We find ourselves facing life scenarios never before experienced and feel unsure as to how to proceed and there seems no end in sight to the madness or any return to the sense of normality we once felt. 

   Concern for future generations is forefront in our minds as we struggle to survive in this unprecedented time in human history and deep in our hearts, we feel lost, wondering what our purpose here really is.

   The life you are living is facing change in unprecedented ways, the extent of which no one has fully comprehended quite yet. The whole fabric of our society is currently being torn apart and the world as we once knew it, has gone. 
  If you have found this website then you are one of the millions of Humans around the Planet that is waking up to the awareness that our world is not what is has appeared to be. With all the upheaval it is hard to discern our own individual path and we are left feeling uncertain as to what the future of humanity will be on the Planet as we move forward.
   Most of what you have been told of who you are in this time space reality is not at all representative of you at the core of your Being. Deception has been at the forefront of a control system surrounding us in our daily lives for as long as we have known. We have been told what to believe and how to behave from the moment we are born into this physical world; living out our lives in a fake society deliberately designed to keep us in lower energy states of Being and going about our daily lives believing that this is all there is, unaware of just how very powerful we are. 

   Humanity has been asleep at the wheel for millennia and is now waking up to all this and we are being presented with the long-awaited opportunity to begin taking back control over both our life and spirit and discover the real truth of Who We Are as it is being unearthed.  As a collective, we are raising our vibrational frequency to match the rising frequency of our Mother Earth Gaia as she ascends into a fifth dimensional universe and thus breaking free from this system of control that has kept us suppressed and oppressed for so long.  

   With so much information and disinformation circulating, it is hard to discern what actually is the real truth. Humanity divided in its beliefs makes it even more difficult to figure out what is right and as more and more deep-seated deceptions become uncovered, we are left wondering how to navigate the new ways of Being that is being brought to our lives. 

   There is a changing of the guard happening and a New Earth is being born out of all this chaos. The old is making way for the new and this cannot happen without unearthing ALL that has served to keep humanity locked into this system of control. The New Earth that is coming will bring peace and prosperity to every human which really is our birth right but had been stolen from us. 

   The fact that you found this website means you have been awakening to this knowledge and a huge indicator that you are on the path of ascension into a higher state of consciousness and Being. Your Soul have chosen to incarnate at this point in time of human history, through you, which means you have a role to play in all of this.  

   Humanity has been living a lie on all fronts and your Soul’s voice has been purposefully drowned out by the distractions of everyday life and the struggle of staying afloat in this 3-dimensional reality. It is okay to be feeling uncertain and unsure as to what your future looks like and where you stand in the grand scheme of things in this present moment of time. 

   You have come to the right place, dear Human, to find the answers you are seeking. The time is Now for you to begin to Uncover That Which You Are as a powerful Creator Being; to tap into the amazingly powerful gifts and abilities that have been lying dormant in you since birth and the time to start living life on your own terms and not as society has dictated to you for so long!

   This website is designed to be a valuable source of information to help guide you into remembering ALL of this and show you how to step into your full power as a Sovereign Human Being. Here you will find the knowledge and tools to take conscious control over your destiny, opening your mind and heart and uncovering the Powerhouse that you really are, thus helping to create the New Earth that benefits you, your loved ones and the whole of Humanity.