First and Foremost
Who you really are is the Energy of ALL THAT IS. All that exists in the physical and non-physical. Just like a drop of water that separates itself from the ocean but at the same time contributes in making up the mass of water, you are a fractal source of this energy that makes up the whole of ALL THAT IS.
At your core you are a part of the consciousness of ALL THAT IS experiencing itself in a singular way, playing out a story that is your existence as it seeks to know itself through the act of creating. ALL THAT IS experiences itself and its creative abilities through you! This experience is vital as it helps make up the whole of Creation, a contribution to the completeness of ALL THAT IS. Every thing is playing a role in this existence story.
No part is greater than any other – from a tiny pebble to a spectacular galaxy. Each part makes up the whole of existence. There is no way we can completely grasp this through our limited perception as a human but it is the gist of Who You Are at the core. YOU ARE IMPORTANT! The whole of creation is not complete without you. You are matter and you matter to existence. Never forget this.
You are a Divine Creator Being
When anyone talks about God the Creator, they have given name to and are describing the Energy Source of ALL THAT IS. We give this Energy Source – so called God - different names in different religions depending upon our origin or race as Human Beings. Humans love to label! Divine means to proceed directly from God and as a Human Being this is exactly what you are – a direct reflection of God Source Creator as a creator Being yourself.
A Human’s ability to mold energy by a thought and then bringing that thought about into the physical world, directly emulates the ability at which God Source Energy also creates physical form from the non-physical energy of ALL THAT IS. Every single living Being and consciousness, everything you see in the Natural world is an extension of the Divine Creator expanding by experiencing itself and manifesting into the physical.
You are a Soul
Your Soul is the broader and wiser part of you that exists in the non-physical, a fractal part of All That Is, the energy that creates worlds and that which is you! How powerful does this thought make you feel? Take a moment to let it really sink in. You are the extension of your Soul manifesting itself into a time space reality and playing out a chosen story in this physical lifetime, thus adding to the expansion of All That Is.
Often times humans associate having a Soul with religious beliefs but religions have been one of the worst culture constructs to disempower humanity. Through religion, humans have been hoodwinked into believing that we are separate from what we call ‘God’ our creator. Worshipping something ‘above’ you automatically renders one ‘less than’ when you are actually the one doing the creating! You are your own religion as nothing can insert itself into your experience unless you give it permission.
Every single moment of your physical reality exists because your Soul is manifesting through you. You can’t even get anything ‘wrong’ because every action you take is being directed by your Higher Self – the purest and highest vibrational version of you that directly reflects your Soul’s resonance in all things. You are magnificent and you are your own gospel word. Yes, you have chosen to be here in your story, in the human collective story of Earth and the 3D matrix but what you experience within it is all your own choosing from a Soul level.
The real secret is, if you truly know this and worship yourself – meaning you see yourself as your Soul’s essence and the magnificent creator that you are – you step out of blame and victimhood forever and step into the full Sovereignty of your Beingness.
Nothing is real
Nothing is really real in your experience. You are making everything up! Do you hear that? What an amazing creator Being you are! Everything that you see around you is just the energy of ALL THAT IS vibrating at varying speeds. Our physical senses of sight, touch, taste and smell all help interpret this energy into a physical object of some sort that you can experience in a physical way that feels real to you.
You are manipulating and molding the energy of ALL THAT IS – which is you – and perceiving it through your physical senses to create the illusion of your physical reality. Anything that you can imagine already exists in the unlimited energy field of ALL THAT IS. When we put our focus upon something, the Universal Law of Attraction brings more of a similar vibrating energy to us, drawing from this unlimited source.
The most powerful Law there is
Among the many Laws governing our physical Universe, the Law of Attraction is deemed to be the most powerful law of them all as it exists as a law beyond time and space as the driving engine of ALL THAT IS. In basic terms, it is the law that helps translate energy from the unseen of ALL THAT IS to energy seen into our physical world. Law of Attraction seeks to bring together similar vibrating energy, drawing from the unlimited Energy Source of ALL THAT IS.
All that you experience in your physical reality was at one time, just a mere thought (pure energy) before it became a thing. Law of Attraction was the driver that brought together this similarly vibrating energy to mold from the non-physical into something that you perceive as physical. You get what you think about and like attracts like are two sayings that we use to describe simply how Law of attraction works.
There is a smorgasbord of ideas, thoughts and experiences that you can choose from held in the energy of ALL THAT IS. Because you are this energy and energy is never still but always vibrating and flowing, you are making the choice in your Now moment of where you direct this energy that is you. This choice of direction is called your focus. What you focus upon always becomes more as the Law of Attraction naturally brings you more similarly vibrating energy which you then interpret through your physical senses into your perceived physical reality.
You create your own reality
The universe that you are physically residing in is an inclusion universe. This means that whatever you are putting focus upon you are including into your experience and Law of Attraction helps it to expand by bringing you more of the same. What you don’t focus on becomes less or moves out of your experience altogether. Nothing happens to you that you don’t deliberately invite into your experience in your physical world, whether that be consciously or unconsciously.
This can be a hard pill to swallow if you have been misled all your life into believing that you don’t have any control over what happens to you. The beliefs that you choose to take on – some before you even manifested yourself into the physical - are the structure you surround yourself with to assist in creating the story you want to experience in this physical reality.
Your whole life is just a story you are telling yourself and creating into what looks and feels like a physical experience with the help of the Law of Attraction, You cannot create anything into the physical that is outside of your belief system so your whole physical reality is really a reflection of what you believe to be true for you as you tell your story. You are in total control of your story and thus your life, no one else. It may not feel like it with everything around you seeming like it is out of control, but you, and only you, are in charge of what you think, thus how you feel and in turn what you attract into your experience.
What you think, so you become
So, as you focus your energy towards something, you physically become the vibration of what you are focusing upon and then your environment around you morphs to that vibrational perception also.
Look around you. Absolutely EVERYTHING you can see or touch was once a thought first. The thinker received the thought and through focus upon the thought, Law of Attraction brought more thoughts of similarity to the thinker and then an idea was perceived. Once the idea formed, Law of Attraction gathered together the ways and means, experiences and events that helped this idea actualize into the physical world. This is how you are creating your own physical self and the world around you with most of your creating happening on an unconscious or Spirit level as your Higher Self directs you on your path.
The story you tell
As a Soul, you chose to incarnate in this particular time space reality to experience yourself through the physical story that you are living. You perfectly planned your experience here – you chose your time of entry (birth), the family to be born into and the environment this would surround you whilst growing up.
Nothing is by chance. You created an identity for yourself which would help create a unique experience valuable in making up the whole of Creation. Within this story the beliefs you hold and the traits you have chosen to act out and perceive things through provide the structure with which you experience life. You go about your so-called daily life telling the story of the part you have chosen to play through your thoughts, words and actions and thus, with the help of the Law of Attraction, you bring these things to life for yourself to experience. The part you play is just as valuable and important as any other Being as we all contribute to the grand design of Creation.
You are not alone
Your soul is always guiding you through your life experience. You are never alone, even if at times you may feel that this is the case. You actually come with an integrated guidance system that is super easy to interpret and comes in the form of your emotions. This will be discussed in detail in another blog.
Everything that you experience your Higher Self has set up for you on behalf of your Soul, even those that may feel bad. Nothing is by chance or luck, everything you experience in your life is deliberately arranged for you and by you as your Higher Self is you, albeit the highest vibrational version of you. Every single moment of your life you are choosing, whether you are consciously aware of this or not.
Most humans are ignorant of this powerful knowledge but Humanity is heading towards the time when it will realize the truth of itself as a powerful species and this is the reason why you are here, right now, reading this very information. Your Higher Self set up the circumstances for you to discover this blog and the information within it and hopefully it will resonate deep within your consciousness.
The collective story
Not only are you creating everything in your own reality, you are also co-creating with every other human, plant, animal – everything that has consciousness. Every single consciousness makes up the whole, an extension of God Source Energy knowing itself through the act of creation. We are all living a collective story together and our own stories help make up the larger story being played out.
The Universe is filled with a such a vast variety of consciousness each playing a different part that this provides an unlimited supply of paths that we can choose to go down at any given moment in our own experience. Your own life may not feel this free, in fact it may feel quite restrictive at times but it only appears this way because as humans we tend to view things through very limiting lenses of set beliefs.
Ultimately, your experience here on Earth is your chosen story, a blend of what you believe to be true and where you are putting your focus in any given moment.
Humans are connected
You are not alone in the telling of your story, as we covered earlier. Your soul is guiding you and you are also connected to every other human on this planet via your consciousness. Humanity shares a collective consciousness and it doesn’t matter what colour skin you have or what country you come from, we are all one race of Beings co-creating with each other and telling the collective story of Humanity on Planet Earth in this time space reality.
Humanity is waking up!
Humans are waking up to the realization that we have been living in a system of control on our Earth for thousands of years that has kept us from being in our full power. Your beliefs around who and what you think you are as a human have been a lie taught to you within this system.
For the first time, in a very long time, humans are waking up to this knowledge and breaking free from the suppression order that has been over our heads and which has kept us unconsciously enslaved in a system designed to steal our very powers and energies. Humans are naturally very high vibrational Beings as after all we reflect God Source Creator.
If you take away the stress from our lives we love to play and sing and dance and laugh, give love freely, share with our fellow humans and find joy in creativity. But in this system of control we have found ourselves waking up in, we instead are living in misery and stress most of the time, eating unhealthy foods, drinking poisoned water, taking pills for our health, watching mindless tv shows designed to keep us distracted and entertained and working in jobs that we don’t enjoy but feeling like we have no other choices.
You are Creator God Source Energy having a human experience, not just a lowly, powerless Being! Most humans have no idea of this or any inkling or belief around this truth. We are born into this 3-dimensional existence of reality already shaped for us and we have been giving away our power unconsciously to forces that contrive in every way possible to keep us ignorant and in the dark about Who We Truly Are and what we are capable of whilst feeding off of our power.
The lie within the illusion
Our physical reality is an illusion that we are all collectively making up as a story together, yet Who You Are living inside this story, has been one big fat lie. From the moment you were born you were told to be and act a certain way by the influence of those around you – your parents, siblings, teachers and so on. They dressed you, fed you, and taught you their beliefs and as you grew older you took on this identity of what they said you were. As you went through school you were handed more beliefs around the subject of what your world was and where you fit in.
These beliefs and concepts shaped you to become a member of so-called society in which you became another cog in the wheel of this 3-dimensional matrix system of control. You were never encouraged to explore Who You Are at the core of your Being. You were never taught to connect directly to your Soul and know how to make decisions about who and what you desired to be.
To survive in the savage world, you had to conform to what society wanted you to be and do or you were cast as an odd bod or trouble-maker. Your individual expression was never nurtured within in and your power as a creator Being was downplayed and suppressed by every means possible. You were fed stories – religious beliefs of a God/s being more powerful than you who viewed you as lesser-than, not mention unworthy and broken as a human. These stories were made up to help you feel powerless against the idea there was something more powerful than you that you must worship or else you would be in trouble, a genius way to control your self-concept and behaviors.
Every religion taught is nothing more than a control mechanism to keep you focused upon the beliefs that you are unworthy and that there is something more powerful than you judging you, riding you, criticizing you. Religion is a means of control to humanity to keep the masses believing they are not as powerful as they truly are. Living in this belief strips you of your Power as a God Source Creator Being and you never get to experience or even know the magnificence that is truly being Human.
Living in this system has also taught you to believe that everything happens outside of you when it is actually the complete opposite. You are the creator of your own health or sickness, your own successes or failures. You are the creator of it all, even the lies within the illusion of this reality as you have given yourself the permission to live as you are within this story.
Time to take back our Power
There is no need to go into detail around this subject as the lie is coming undone and the suppression order that had been placed upon Humanity to keep us trapped and tricked into giving away our power to the elite few that control this 3-dimensional matrix system has been lifted. This is why we are seeing so much turmoil and unrest happening around the world. Everything that has been hidden purposefully from us is getting dug up like when you stir the water in a pond and it becomes muddy from disturbing the sand at the bottom.
There is a great unearthing of the truth happening around the globe and everything is coming into the light now. We are entering a time in human history where we are provided with an opportunity to really find our true selves once again as Conscious Creator Beings. An opportunity where we can shed completely the systems that have controlled us and be able to encourage the expression of each of our individual selves as magnificent creators, creating a magical world where we thrive in happiness and joy and consciously choosing what we desire to be at the core of our Beingness.
A whole new and beautiful world is coming for all of us so have faith! You found this website on purpose to help you relearn and understand the strength of your Power and to take it back, to fully embrace your magnificence as a Human, to step into your full Sovereignty of Being and help build this New World for Humanity to truly thrive in.